Are you new to futsal? Looking to develop and implement futsal at your grassroots club or league? Attended an FA Futsal coaching course but want some further insight?Carlisle Futsal Club are running a series of 3 interactive and practical futsal workshops aimed at giving you the knowledge and ideas you need to allow you and your teams to play futsal effectively.The workshops will cover a series of topics from the Carlisle Futsal Club coach curriculum which will take you on a journey giving you an understanding of the demands Futsal places on individual players through to the principals of team play and advanced tactics. The workshops will also be tailored to suit what you want to get out of them so please leave a comment when registering using the form below.With our highly experienced, fully qualified coaches, you will really begin to understand how futsal can take your club’s players to the next level.
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If technical ability is the foundation of sporting success then good decision making has to be the bricks and mortar. At the younger age groups in our academy we focus on creating that technical foundation, its true that without this good decision making doesn’t matter much. A player needs to be able to execute the...
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We refer to dribbling in Futsal as the technique used to allow a player to move with the ball in a particular direction without being dispossessed by an opponent. When dribbling a Futsal player uses the sole of the foot frequently to move the ball. This allows the player to maintain close control on the...
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You’ll have heard the importance of preparation a million times, whether it is a school exam, job interview or match day. You’re probably sick of hearing it. But, there’s a reason you keep hearing it – it is absolutely true. Preparation is paramount for success in any form. Futsal Preparation You maybe thinking; “Yeah but,...
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Here is Carlisle Futsal Clubs simple guide to the rules of playing Futsal: 1. The game of Futsal is played on an indoor or outdoor court, for an International Standard the Court it will be 40mtrs x 20mtrs with 3mtrs x 2mtr goal posts. Recreational courts can be a minimum of 16m x 30m. 2....
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About Fly Keeper The flying goalkeeper. A tactic that often causes confusion for those who are new to the game of Futsal. Here we explain a little bit more about it. When executed properly ‘fly keeper’ is a great tactic for a manager to employ in times of need. Simply put fly keeper is when a...
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Supporting the Pivot Even the best pivots will struggle to do it all alone. They will need support from the rest of the team, but the two things they will thank you for the most are: playing them quality passes and making good runs. The quality of the pass you give to the pivot is...
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With the ball – set up others, set up yourself! Having received the ball, the pivot is going to have to use all their strength and cunning to keep the defender stealing it. Now, if the defender gets their positioning wrong – by being too much either side of they player, or getting too tight,...
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Receiving the ball – sideways on, sole of the foot It might sound easy to receive a pass, but anyone who has played as a pivot will know that any half-decent defender will be breathing down your neck. To deal with this, the pivot needs to get their positioning and body shape right as they...
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An extremely effective way to make sure that a Futsal team carries an attacking threat is by using a dedicated attacker. This role is one of the most important to the team and, if you get it right, could be the spark that gets the team creating space and playing impressive attacking football. The ‘Pivot’...