The aim of this policy is to ensure that everyone is treated fairly and with respect and that members, non members and visiting teams are not denied access to Carlisle Futsal Club because of a discriminatory reason.
This policy is fully supported by the Carlisle Futsal Club management and coaching team, which is responsible for the implementation and review of this policy.
Carlisle Futsal Club will therefore adhere to the following:
1 be committed to a policy of equal treatment of all members and employees and requires all members and employees to abide by and adhere to these policies and the requirements of the relevant equalities legislation, including the Race Relations Act 1976, Sex Discrimination Act 1975, Disability Discrimination Act 1995, Age Discrimination Act 2006 as well as any amendments to these acts and any new legislation
In the event that any employee, member, visitor or visiting team feels that he, she or it has suffered discrimination or harassment in any way or that the policies, rules or code of conduct have been broken they should follow the procedures below.
2 If the person accused of discriminatory behaviour is an employee, the management committee will regard the incident as a disciplinary issue and will follow any disciplinary procedure set out for employees or (if none exists) the statutory disciplinary procedure.
3 If the person accused of discriminatory behaviour is a non-employee, the management committee or representatives of the management committee:
3.1 will request that both parties to the complaint submit written evidence regarding the incident(s);
3.2 may decide (at its sole discretion) to uphold or dismiss the complaint without holding a hearing;
3.3 may (at its sole discretion) hold a hearing (whether or not such a hearing is requested by either party) at which both parties will be entitled to attend and present their case
3.4 will have the power to impose any one or more of the following sanctions on any person found to be in breach of any policy, (including the Equality Policy):
3.5 will provide both parties with written reasons for its decision to uphold or dismiss the complaint within one (1) calendar month of such decision being made.
3.6 Either party may appeal a decision of the management committee to the County Football Association (including a decision not to hold a hearing) by writing to the [County Secretary] within 3 months of the place to play’s decision being notified to that party.
Terminologies and descriptors
Types of discrimination
There are three categories of discrimination: direct, indirect and positive:
The FA’s equality and diversity policy sets out our commitment to opposing all forms of discrimination. The FA will ensure that its employees, members, volunteers, players, officials, affiliated place to plays and customers are not discriminated against on the basis of any of the following:
Harassment can be described as inappropriate actions, behaviour, comments or physical contact, which may cause offence i.e. mental or physical anxiety or hurt to an individual:
Victimisation can be described as treating an individual less favourably than one would treat others because the individual has made a complaint of discrimination, given evidence about such a complaint or raised a concern under the Public Interest (Disclosure) Act 1998.
‘Positive action’ refers to a number of methods designed to counteract the effects of discrimination and to help eradicate stereotyping. It can be initiatives or activities that attempt to redress imbalances by providing extra help, doing things in a different way or promoting opportunities in targeted places and to targeted groups. Under this broad meaning, positive action may include actions such as the introduction of discriminatory selection procedures, and training programmes or policies aimed at preventing sexual harassment. An example of positive action being taken is the employment of a female coach to lead a session aimed at women, to specifically encourage uptake and participation by female players.
Prejudice is literally pre-judging someone. It is usually led by negative, irrational feelings, resulting from preconceived attitudes and opinions.
Stereotyping is grouping or labelling people because they are members of a particular ‘visible’ group, and assuming that they have particular traits that are considered to be characteristics of that group.
Dignity is about respectful, responsible, fair and humane behaviour, something that is reflected in the constitution.
Disadvantage is where, as a result of discrimination, an individual or group is deprived of some or all resources and opportunities. This may affect people directly or indirectly.
Social exclusion is when people or areas suffer from one or a combination of linked problems such as unemployment, poor skills, low income, high crime environments or lack of facilities.