Further to our announcement on 2nd March we are delighted to be able to release further details of the first steps in our return to play plan. Due to current government restrictions on indoor sports participation this first step relates to outdoor training in Carlisle only.
The following sessions will be launched starting on 7th April 2021.
- Weekly mens team training outdoors at Bitts Park from Wednesday 7th April 2021. 7pm-8.30pm.
- U9/10 (school year 4&5) training outdoors at Bitts Park from Thursday 8th April. 6-7pm on court 1.
- U11 (school year 6) training outdoors at Bitts Park from Thursday 8th April. 6-7pm on court 2.
- U12 (school year 7) training outdoors at Bitts Park from Thursday 8th April. 7-8pm on court 1.
- U13 (school year 8) training outdoors at Bitts Park from Thursday 8th April. 7-8pm on court 2.
- U17 (school years 9,10,11 & 12) training outdoors at Bitts Park from Friday 9th April. 5-6pm.
There will be limited places available. These will be allocated firstly to existing members and in the event they are not filled we will then offer the places to players on our waiting list.
We have a FAQ section below but if anyone has any specific questions please get in touch with the Club via email info@carlislefutsal.com tel/whatsapp 07484162456.
My childs age group is not listed. Why?
It is important given the length of time that has passed that we bring sessions back in a phased manner. We need to be able to assess the circumstances of the coaching team and the fact we are operating from a new venue means we need to ensure everything is in place to guarantee our usual high quality experience for everyone. We will be relaunching more sessions in phase 2 of our return to play plan in due course including a goalkeeper specific session in Carlisle.
Do you plan to run any indoor sessions?
Yes. The beauty of having an outdoor space means we are not fighting for indoor slots. It will allow us to offer more training sessions both indoor and outdoor and provide us with scope to expand the club adding league competitions, tournaments and womens and girls sessions to what we can offer.
What will you do if the weather is bad?
It is possible to train at Bitts Park when wet however we recognise it is not ideal. In the event of poor weather we will cancel the session and rearrange for another weekday night or weekend. Now that we have the flexibility of our own venue there will always be plenty of sessions to choose from in the event your regular training slot is cancelled.
Why are sessions midweek?
We recognise the huge commitment parents make towards their childs development and that things can get very busy. Weekends are usually very busy with commitments to other sports, family and social occasions and we wanted to ensure, now that we have our own venue, that we avoid clashing with this as much as possible. Moving regular training from a weekend to midweek also allows us to run extra ad hoc training and competitions on a weekend. It also frees us up to travel away for matches with other futsal clubs too.
Why are all of the academy sessions on one day?
Prior to lockdown our training programme was dictated by indoor venue availability and meant that we had to run individual age group sessions at a variety of different locations. Now that we have one venue with 2 courts side by side it will allow us to bring the club together and really build a ‘one club’ feeling for players and coaches. This will aid player and coach development. We can then grow from there adding more club nights.
Who will my coach be?
We only have the best coaches involved with our Club. Due to the way we have structured our return there will be lots of coaches on hand at the sessions including those who coached the players prior to lockdown. Each squad will continue to have an allocated head coach assigned to them who will be supported by a coaching team. As part of our relaunch the club will be investing heavily in a new coach education and development programme. Please get in touch with us if you want to get involved in coaching futsal.
What are the plans going forward?
In Carlisle we plan to split the season into two with a focus on training predominantly outdoors during the spring and summer and a move indoors for the autumn and winter months where we will run a league competition.
How much will it cost?
Our membership fees will be £25 per month per player (plus paypal fee). This will guarantee weekly training sessions and access to our games programme. As a not for profit organisation you have the comfort of knowing we will always keep costs to a minimum and any profit that is generated is reinvested into the club and the community. As an example during lockdown we have invested in Bitts Park buying 2 sets of goals and marking out the courts. Our ambition over the next 12 months is to resurface the space with a futsal specific tiled surface. This will improve the courts and players experience by allowing us to introduce competitive match play on there.
How do I sign up?
You can sign up by clicking here and completing the form on the page and setting up the direct debit which will appear after you submit the form.
We look forward to seeing you very soon!