Jon Reay: Marc Carmona Masterclass review

May 16, 2017by Jalson0

PrintJon Reay is current head coach for our u9 and u10 academy squads. Jon joined the Club only a few months after it formed in 2012 and has been involved ever since. He captained the men’s senior team in the FA Futsal Super League and has played a huge part getting the Club to where it is today. His passion for Futsal and excellent coaching skills make him an invaluable member of the team. Here Jon reviews his weekend learning from Barcelona UEFA Pro Futsal Coach Marc Carmona.


Marc Carmona Masterclass Review.

Carlisle Futsal Club recently gave me the opportunity to attend a 2-day Futsal event with UEFA PRO coach Marc Carmona.
I thought it would be nice to write a blog and share my experience.
Personally, I love these clinics!
There is no agenda to ‘get a badge’ or ‘pass a test’ so you are surrounded by coaches/players who want to be there, purely to develop, listen, learn and interact.
I enjoyed a similar style clinic a few years ago in Perth, Scotland, so when the opportunity arose this time I urged a few of my colleagues to join me!
Lots of people from the English Futsal ‘scene’ were in attendance and it was great to share ideas, discuss various developments of clubs and make new contacts within the game.
To start with, let’s be clear – this definitely was a masterclass rather than a clinic; Marc is without doubt a master of his profession.
The man delivered success with Barcelona, working alongside top class players.
It was fascinating to get an insight into his methodology and expertise coaching style/practices.
The venue was Tranmere Rovers Football club.
Organiser and Futsal Head-coach Damon Shaw was a fantastic host, allowing for lots of interaction within the group, providing demonstrations in the Futsal arena and supplying lunch/refreshments on both days.
After brief introductions, Marc quickly started his power-point presentation in the board-room. His English is excellent and within minutes you could see the passion this guy has for coaching.
At the beginning he emphasised the need to create a ‘system of play’ whereby all four players are in unity with each other.
He stressed in particular the movements between 2 players and the movements between 3 players.
He elaborated on these movements by describing them as ‘concepts’ – consisting of things like feints, wall-passes, screen, overlap.. and so on.  All are co-ordinated movements not just running without purpose.
He would refer back to these ‘concepts’ time and time again during the two days, both in classroom and on court.
Our first court demonstration before lunch was 2v2 related, focusing on a few of these movements.
After lunch it was time for Rui Fernandes to deliver his GK class. Rui has a nice calm way of teaching. The theory part was very good, describing the specific preparation needs of a Futsal keeper.
In the practical element, he was assisted by two young keepers who were really put to the test with some high energy, technical practices. It was great to see.
Day 2 kicked off with a Q&A session and I was delighted that some of my questions were picked! I was intrigued to know what Marc was currently up to these days… no surprise to find out he is still involved in coaching, now on a project helping other coaches in a variety sports within the Barcelona academy. He also gave us an insight into how he got involved in Futsal at the age of 19, leaving football behind.
Next up was his delivery of the 4-0 system – attacking and defending.
The entire classroom become engrossed as Marc went into great detail regarding the specific movements, players required, sessions to enhance it… etc.
Everyone was rapidly scribbling down notes when I had a glance around!!
In the practical session he took charge of Tranmere’s mens squad and it gave us a glimpse of what he may have been like as a boss!
I got the impression he would have been a very demanding coach with a persistence for detail/almost perfection, whilst inspiring players to play to the max. The session was fast pace and super to watch.
He would often mention the need to ‘engage’ opponents when in possession of the ball before releasing a pass, and he also encouraged purposeful runs ‘off the ball’ in order to move the opposition/create space in behind.
I loved all this.
I’d say the Tranmere players did too – what a moment for them.
The last section Marc covered was Methodology & Planning.
This is one aspect that is crucial for us as up-coming coaches. Every session must be planned beforehand with a specific goal/aim/focus.
I’m pleased to say this is something we have always encouraged at Carlisle Futsal Club and we try to offer help to each other by sharing ideas/session plans and getting feedback off players and each other.
He made it quite clear that with only 3 sessions per week or less – fitness based training is NOT advisable, high intensity can be achieved with related drills and players should be playing the game/ training with a ball as much as possible either individually or collectively.
Marc was always happy to chat & have photos taken and came across as a genuinely lovely man.
I’ve only skimmed the surface of what was covered in this blog but hopefully I’ve made enough notes to refer back to as I try to pass on knowledge and continue to coach.
I thoroughly enjoyed it so thank you Marc, Damon and Rui for a superb couple of days.
I’ll keep an aye out for the next one!


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Carlisle Futsal Club is an English futsal club, based in North Cumbria. We feature one of the most prominent and established youth futsal academies in Great Britain.

Our mission is to create a Club that the people of Carlisle can be proud of.

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