March 27, 2020by Jalson1


Following our announcement on 17th March regarding the impact of COVID-19 on Club operations the Clubs committee have this week held further discussions with regards to how best we can serve our members. 

As communicated previously our plan was to bring forward our summer break in the hope that by the 1st May all Club and Academy operations could return to normal. We operate on a ‘not for profit’ basis and our Club is ran by the best volunteers around. We do all of this purely for the benefit of our members and with this in mind, and in this time of crisis from both a health and economic perspective, we want to ensure our members are looked after.

We have therefore decided that we will cancel all membership subscriptions from the 1st April, in effect cancelling the Clubs summer break. We understand many of our members may find themselves out of work or in furlough at this time and Futsal Club membership will not be a priority for most. Cancelling membership fees early will have a significant impact on the Clubs revenue for the season which will drop by 13.3%. It will mean we as a Club we make a loss for the season for the first time in our history closing with £2,300 more expenditure than our income. This will eat into the Clubs cash reserves. This loss is partly down to the high growth we have experienced this year adding Academy playing squads in South Cumbria, Workington and establishing our mens team as well as investment in marketing equipment and coach development. However through a combination of the dedication from you, our members and our own fiscal prudence over the years we have been able to build up a cash reserve for days like to day. The Club will close on 1st April 2020 with £3,569 in the bank which will provide us with a great starting position when we open our doors again once COVID-19 is defeated.

For all members paying by PayPal we will suspend payments at our end. Those paying by direct debit please make sure you cancel payments with your bank from 1st April.

What our Club will look like when we relaunch is not known at this stage. We expect to resume normal activities at some point but we will be putting out a survey in the coming weeks to gather opinion on what we do well and could do better so that we can shape the perfect Futsal experience for you when we start back up.

Until then please stay safe everyone. Stay at home.

One comment

  • John Lucock

    March 27, 2020 at 11:03 am

    When all this covid-19 crisis has settled down and the club is back up and running, I am sure I speak for all of the match day events team in saying we will be there to support you all in whatever it takes to make the club even more successful, be it by the whole match day experience for our magnificent supporters, or to just chipping in and helping around the venue with whatever needs doing. We have some brilliant people in charge running the club, manager, coaches, players, juniors, spectators, we will be back bigger and better than ever.

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Carlisle Futsal Club is an English futsal club, based in North Cumbria. We feature one of the most prominent and established youth futsal academies in Great Britain.

Our mission is to create a Club that the people of Carlisle can be proud of.

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