Volunteers are the life-blood of every sporting club. They dedicate hours of time and energy, working in a variety of ways. Without them, most sports clubs and associations would cease to exist and that is certainly the case for us.
Our volunteers are extremely valuable, and deserve considerable praise and thanks.
We recognise that the key to success for our Club is the way in which we attract and retain our volunteers.
So as a reward for the efforts of all our Academy coaches in 2014 we arranged a night out in the corporate box at Carlisle United. The event was great fun with the exception of the cruel way in which Shrewsbury snatched victory from United in the 94th and 95th minute!
The Club is always looking to attract great people to help continue our growth. If you would like to be a part of Carlisle Futsal Club please get in touch via email on info@carlislefutsal.com or phone 07894799509. You can browse our current vacancies by clicking here. In addition we also have a number of roles available on our committee.