First Team Trials

December 28, 2014by Jalson0

Represent Carlisle in the FA National League

We are recruiting players for our national league squad.

Do you have what it takes to compete in elite level sport? Are you one of the regions top footballers? Do you fancy the challenge of representing Carlisle accross England against the best in the country?

So what are we looking for and what makes the perfect Futsal player?

There are many components that come together to create a well-balanced futsal player. Heres what we typically look for in all of our first team players.


Keeping calm and exceptional concentration are key: players must keep their team’s foul count down. Any more than five and a 10m penalty is conceded. Well timed tackles are vital. Lack of space foster the Futsal intelligence needed for well-timed passes and clever skills. Games last over an hour so being able to focus for the whole game is vital.


The fast pace and tight space mean peripheral vision is well honed: with a sharp awareness of team mates and opponents positioning, one incisive pass turns defence into a scoring chance.


Fluid tactics and rolling substitutions mean that a Futsal player’s ears must be constantly tuned to his coach’s instructions.


Sliding tackles are uncommon, so upper body strength helps players muscle in on possession or avoid being muscled out. With space limited, it also helps players hold their position against jostling opponents. High levels of endurance are a must to deal with constant swapping of positions and switches between defence and attack. High lactic threshold required to cope with the constant sprint endurance requirements.


There’s no time to let tired legs relax when a player takes to the bench. Players might be required to go from sitting to scoring in a matter of seconds under the rolling substitutions system. Sprinter’s legs are needed for fast counter attacking and to revert swiftly to defence on losing possession, when a team often changes its formation completely.


Good Futsal players should be able to use both feet. Waste time switching the ball between feet and there’ll be a defender cutting out your options or whipping the ball off your toes. Back heels and other tricks are useful for getting out of a tight spot and a top notch piece of skill creates options from a dead end. Rather than executing short passes with the instep like a footballer, Futsal players achieve better accuracy over short distances with the point of the toe, while the sole of the foot is also important for controlling the ball. Footwear is designed to grip the playing surface and maximise ball control.

We are looking for the counties best footballers who fancy the challenge of representing Carlisle in the top tier of English Futsal. It wont be easy, this is a new sport to learn, but if you get it right the rewards can be huge, including international call ups and qualification for the UEFA cup.

Get in touch now for a trial. or contact head coach Al Tindall 07894799509.


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Carlisle Futsal Club is an English futsal club, based in North Cumbria. We feature one of the most prominent and established youth futsal academies in Great Britain.

Our mission is to create a Club that the people of Carlisle can be proud of.

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